Weddings, graduations, parties are special event occasions and you want to make sure that you have sufficient power for everything from lights to speakers/music to coffee pots and other items requiring electricity. We have a wide variety of power options to keep your event running smoothly and seamlessly. Whether it is tying into your “house” power if you are close by or with a silent generator if you don’t have enough power or in a location with no power at all – we have you covered!
There are also other reasons to think about powering your event with a silent generator, but they all come down to peace of mind. Small power outages happen all the time and not just because of weather. Generator power helps manage the uncontrollable – a vehicle accident down the road, freak transformer blowout, overloaded circuits in your house or even a grid problem – by keeping the lights on and sound playing without disruption. The use of a generator can also keep cords and lines away from traffic flow areas that they may otherwise lay across, creating a cleaner look and eliminating a trip hazard.
We keep power in mind with all that we do since it is often at a premium. Outside of coffee pots (which require a lot of power to run), all of our cooking, buffet and “kitchen tent” items are completely power free. Our most common lighting options are either LED, CFL or battery powered to help reduce your overall power consumption.
When it comes to power, no one has as many different offerings as Expert Rental. Need temporary lines buried to some lights or a sanitation trailer? Not a problem. Need power at the peak of the tent or completely hidden at the base of a center pole for some special décor? Simple. Our capabilities are endless – all you have to do is ask. We also offer full event monitoring with extra backup power included so you don’t have to worry about who is going to keep the unit full of fuel mid event or assistance with how to deal with the most unforeseen of issues.
We will be happy to help you select the ideal unit to power up your event