Frame Tents
30’x60′ Frame Tent with married 30’x40′ Frame Tent by lake
30’x30′ Frame Tent by stonewall
Numerous 20×20 Frame Tents for Vendors
30’x60′ Frame Tent and 2- 20’x20′ Frame Tents at Night During Wedding
20’x30′ Frame Tent on Patio
30’x30′ Frame Tent and a 20’x30′ Frame Tent on a deck by a factory
20’x20′ Frame Tent Over Patio by Pool
20’x20′ Frame Tent by shed
20’x30′ Frame Tent with Dance Floor
30’x30′ Frame Tent and 20’x30′ Frame Tent in Downtown Thomaston
2- 30’x30′ Frame Tents for an Employee Appreciation Day
2-20×30’s & 16×16 Frame Tent for Dedication
20x Frame Tent for Ceremony and Dancing
20’x30′ Frame Tent in Front of Factory
10×10 Frame Tents
2-30’x30′ Frame Tents and a 20’x30′ Frame Tent for a book sale
30×30 Frame Tent by Maxton Mill
Cement weights on 16×16 Frame Tent on Pool Patio
20’x30′ Frame Tent on Patio
20’x20′ Frame Tent
30×60 with Barrel style weights
30’x60′ Frame Tent with married 20’x30′ Frame Tent and offset 20’x20′ Frame Tent by tennis court
30’x30′ Frame Tent Behind Fence
Numerous 20×20 Frame Tents for Vendors
Pole Tents
30×75 Pole Tent with 16×16 Frame Cook Tent Adjacent
30’x45′ Pole Tent with white party chairs
40×100 Pole Tent with bronze statue in front
30’x45′ Pole Tent
30×75 in Backyard
30×60 Pole Tent set with tables and chairs for a corporate event with american flag in the background.
30×90 Pole Tent with stone wall Behind it
100′ x 250′ Pole Tent
30’x45′ Pole Tent on other side of bridge
40×100 with Ceremony Chairs
40×80 for Circus Themed Fundraiser
40×100 Century
30×90 by Pool at Night
40×80 Century
30×90 Pole Tent at a Vineyard
30×60 Pole Tent in side yard
30×45 Century at Train Station
30×60 Centurys at Bristol Mum Fest
40×100 Century
60×120 Pole Tent, 30×60 Pole Tent, 30×30 Frame Tent Married Together
White Party Chairs Set for Ceremony with 40×100
Samsonite Folding Chairs setup for a Jewish Wedding Ceremony
Fruitwoods for Ceremony
White Party Chairs set for Ceremony
Folding Chairs for Ceremony
White Part Chairs for Ceremony
White Party Chairs for Ceremony
White Party Chairs set for Ceremony
White Part Chairs for Ceremony
White Party Chairs for Ceremony
Fruitwoods for Ceremony
Samsonite Folding Chairs setup for a Wedding Ceremony in front of garden
White Party Chairs set for Wedding Ceremony in a Garden
Fruitwoods for Ceremony
White Party Chairs set for Wedding Ceremony in a Garden with Guests
Folding Chairs for Graduation Ceremony
White Party Chairs set for Wedding Ceremony under a Tent
Folding Chairs by Cornwall Bridge
Fruitwoods for Ceremony
Samsonite Folding Chairs setup for a Wedding Ceremony with lake in background
Samsonite Folding Chairs setup for a Wedding Ceremony Outside
White Part Chairs for Ceremony
Folding Chairs by Cornwall Bridge
Samsonite Folding Chairs setup for a Wedding Ceremony with view from above
Table Settings
Unique Centerpiece using old childrens toys set on table
Farm Table with Runner and Gold Band China
Frame tents with tables set before a wedding
60in Round with No Plates
Simple setting with white party chairs and white stripe tablecloths
Banquet Table with White Woods
Elegant Victorian Railroad themed table setting with Diplomat china and white party chairs
Flashy table setup prior to corporate function with gold lame and royal blue
Simple Buffet Table Setting with Water Goblet, Wine Glass, and White Napkin set prior to a wedding
Buffet style table with Unique Centerpiece using old childrens toys set on table and rope napkin rings
Simple Buffet Table Setting with Water Goblet, Wine Glass, and White Napkin set prior to a wedding
Simple setting with tall branch centerpieces, white party chairs, and white stripe tablecloths
Tent Decoration
Rope Lights in Marquis
Center Pole Decor, Hanging flower baskets with pole wrap
Tent at Night with People Dancing
Center Poles with Wy-Flys and Branches
Large pole tent with decorated center poles, Full table settings with linens and chairs covers
Center Pole Decor, Evergreens around poles, Globe Lights, Chair Covers
Hanging Japanese lantern lights in an expandable frame
Wy-Fly Lights
Large pole tent with decorated center poles, Full table settings with linens and white party chairs
Center Poles with Wy-Flys and Branches
Tent at night with people eating at tables and globe lights
Hanging Japanese Lantern Lights in a century style pole tent