Deck to sand? Hardwood floor touch up job? Afraid of getting too aggressive with a drum sander? Looking for an easy way to polish a floor? Think Square Buff.
We’re not quite sure why they call it square because the pad is 12×18 (and that’s a rectangle according to my book!) but it will fit tight into corners, and because its a random orbit sander, goes right into corners and up against walls. It is PERFECT sander of choice for deck sanding as it can accommodate the height difference between deck boards, and can be used to sand new or old interior floors.
We carry a variety of high quality abrasives for this sander from 12 grit paper on up to 120 grit mesh screens meet your job requirements. We’ll make suggestions for the right grit and quantity paper for you, and you can bring back anything that is clean and unused for a full refund after your job is done.
You can do it. We’ve got confidence!
click here for a video presentation on using the square buff sander to finish your deck.