
We offer china in 4 different patterns… or mix and match for more interest!  Beyond making a beautiful presentation, Real China plates offer a strong, solid, user safe suface for serving, cutting & eating, and come sanitized and ready for your use.

Diplomat…. a bone colored plate with Gold Band.
White Swirl…. white china with a swirl edge
Glass….. Clear glass with a “thumbprint” edging design.
Black Swirl….. Black china with a swirl edge
Harvest…. a bone plate with tuscan inspired fruit design,

Rental China place settings are a cost efffective, environmentally friendly alternative to disposable dishware!  Price us out and compare!

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Size/ Description


12″ Chop Plate, White


10″ Dinner Plate, White


7″ Salad & Dessert Plate, White


6″ Bowl, White


Coffee Cup and Saucer, White


9″ Bowl, White


Soup Plate, White


Cream Soup Cup & Saucer, White


Sugar & Creamer, White

$1.75 ea.

Serving Platter, White (16″ or 20″)


Coffee Mug, 14oz. White


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Size/ Description


Demitasse Cup and Saucer, Diplomat


Serving Platters (Various Sizes), Diplomat


10″ Dinner Plate, Diplomat


9″ Luncheon Plate, Diplomat


9″ Snack Plate with Cup, Diplomat


7″ Salad & Dessert Plate, Diplomat


5″ Bread & Butter Plate, Diplomat


Soup Plate, Diplomat


5″ Bowl, Diplomat


Gravy Boat with Liner, Diplomat


Platter- Various Sizes, Diplomat


Sugar & Creamer, Diplomat

$1.75 ea.

Coffee Cup and Saucer, Diplomat


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Size/ Description


9″ Luncheon Plate, Glass


7″ Salad & Dessert Plate, Glass


5″ Bread & Butter Plate, Glass


Coffee Mug, Glass


5″ Bowl, Glass


7″ Bowl, Glass


Sugar & Creamer, Glass

$1.75 ea.

6″ Low Bowl, Glass


Soup Plate, Glass


Cup & Saucer, Glass


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Rollover the item on the right to view it. Click the link for more information.

Size/ Description


10″ Dinner Plate, Black


9″ Luncheon Plate, Black


Cup & Saucer, Black


Soup Plate, Black


6″ Bread & Butter Plate, Black


7″ Salad & Dessert Plate, Black


Platters (12×12, 14×14), Black


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Rollover the item on the right to view it. Click the link for more information.

Size/ Description


10″ Tuscan Harvest Plate


Charger Plate, Gold


